1 On for Jesus! steady be your arm and brave;
Onward, onward take the shield and sword;
On for Jesus! standard of your captain wave,
Pressing onward, trusting in His word.
Marching, marching on,
We’re marching onward still for Jesus;
Marching, marching on,
Beneath the banner of the free.
"On for Jesus!" this shall be the battle cry,
Ne’er retreating, ever pressing on;
On for Jesus! marching on to victory,
As we shout the glad redemption song.
2 On for Jesus! tiresome tho’ the conflict be,
Tho’ the hosts of sin are pressing hard;
On for Jesus! striving for the victory,
Endless life will soon be your reward. [Refrain]
3 On for Jesus, till the sound of strife is o’er!
When the great Commander calls for thee,
Thou shalt wear a crown of life forevermore,
And with Jesus reign eternally. [Refrain]