1 Day of anger, that dread day
Shall the sign in Heav’n display,
And the earth in ashes lay.
O what trembling shall appear,
When His coming shall be near,
Who shall all things strictly clear!
When the trumpet shall command,
Through the tombs of every land,
All before the throne to stand!
2 Death shall shrink and nature quake,
When all creatures shall awake,
Answer to their Judge to make.
See the Book divinely penned,
In which all is found contained,
Whence the world shall be arraigned!
When the Judge is on His throne,
All that’s hidden shall be shown,
Naught unpunished or unknown!
3 What shall I before Him say?
How shall I be safe that day,
When the righteous scarcely may?
King of awful majesty,
Saving sinners graciously,
Fount of mercy, save Thou me!
Leave me not, my Savior! one
For whose soul Thy course was run,
Lest I be that day undone.