1 Lift up your heads in joyful hope,
Salute the happy morn;
Hear heav’nly power proclaim the hour:
Lo, Jesus Christ is born.
All glory be to God on high,
To Him all praise is due;
The promise sealed, the Lord revealed,
He proves the record true.
2 Let joy around like rivers flow,
Flow on, and still increase,
Spread o’er the earth at Jesus’ birth,
With Heav’n and men at peace.
Rejoice, come see, salvation free
For Adam’s helpless race:
From Heaven’s throne to save His own,
Messiah comes with grace.
3 Then let us join the skies above,
Where shining seraphs sing;
Join angel powers, their Lord is ours,
Our prophet, priest, and king.
The tidings of great joy be spread
To earth’s remotest bound;
With heav’nly host, to every coast
We raise the joyful sound.