1 For the tempted, Lord, we pray;
For the souls that go astray;
Weak and weary, tempest tossed,
Stars all hid, and compass lost;
Sailors on the dangerous seas—
God of love, we pray for these.
2 For the tempted, Lord, we pray;
Thou didst make them, Thine are they;
When alluring forms are nigh,
When a thousand voices cry,
Loud and clear above them all,
Let them hear Thy tender call.
3 For the tempted, Lord, we pray;
For the souls that go astray,
Beaten back by storm and sleet,
Scorned by all they chance to meet;
On them let Thy mercy shine,
Still remember they are Thine.
4 For the tempted, Lord, we pray;
Dust and ashes—such are they?
Hear them while they make their moan,
Thou canst save and Thou alone;
See, their feet are on the sands;
Christ of Calvary, hold their hands.