1 How precious is the story,
Of our Redeemer’s birth,
Who left the realms of glory,
And came to dwell on earth:
He saw our sad condition,
Our guilt, and sin, and shame;
To save us from perdition
The blessèd Jesus came.
2 He came to earth from Heaven,
To weep and bleed and die,
That we might be forgiven,
And raised to God on high;
His kindness and compassion,
To children then were shown,
The heirs of His salvation,
He claimed them for His own.
3 Oh, may I love this Savior,
So good, so kind, so mild!
And may I find His favor,
A young though sinful child;
And in His blissful Heaven,
May I at last appear,
With all my sins forgiven,
To know and praise Him there.