1 Hail! Thou God of grace and glory!
Who Thy name hast magnified,
By redemption’s wondrous story,
By the Savior crucified;
Thanks to Thee for every blessing,
Flowing from the fount of love;
Thanks for present good unceasing,
And for hopes of bliss above.
2 Hear us, as thus bending lowly,
Near Thy bright and burning throne;
We invoke Thee, God most holy!
Through Thy well belovèd Son;
Send the baptism of Thy Spirit,
Shed the Pentecostal fire;
Let us all Thy grace inherit,
Waken, crown each good desire.
3 Bind Thy people, Lord, in union,
With the sevenfold cord of love;
Breathe a spirit of communion
With the glorious hosts above;
Let Thy work be seen progressing;
Bow each heart, and bend each knee;
Till the world, Thy truth possessing,
Celebrates its jubilee.