1 His name hath God exalted
Above the names of earth;
No other name in Heaven
Compares with its great worth;
And at the name of Jesus,
Low every knee shall bend,
And every tongue confess Him,
Whose reign shall never end!
O Christ, Thou King of Zion,
We bow before Thy throne;
We praise Thy name forever,
We worship Thee alone.
2 Christ is the King of Zion,
Of kings the one great King,
And every tribe and nation
To Him shall tribute bring;
The heathen He shall conquer,
The earth from sea to sea
Shall be His own possession—
Yes, Christ shall victor be. [Refrain]
3 O Christ, speed on Thy kingdom,
And let Thy will be done
On earth, as ’tis in Heaven,
Where Thou art king alone;
May tidings of salvation,
Soon spread the earth around,
And over land to ocean,
Thy praise alone resound. [Refrain]