1 Follow the steps of Jesus,
Follow every day;
Turn not aside or falter,
Keep the narrow way.
Jesus the meek and lowly
Walked through life below,
Marking a beaten pathway;
O, in that pathway go.
O, follow, follow gladly,
In the path your Lord hath trod;
He is your light by day and night,
He leadeth you to God;
O, follow, follow gladly,
There are blessings on the way;
Turn not aside,
But watch your guide,
Who leads you to endless day.
2 Oft on a lonely mountain;
Oft ’neath olive’s shade,
Jesus, your great example,
King and Savior, prayed.
Now in His footsteps follow,
Lead a life of prayer;
He is a home preparing:
You shall His glory share. [Refrain]
3 Helping the weak and weary
Christ your Savior went;
Seek now to be His stewards,
On His work intent.
Seek out the heavy hearted,
Seek the lost ones, too;
Follow the steps of Jesus,
Do what He’d have you do. [Refrain]