1 How lovely shines the Morning Star!
The nations see and hail afar
The light in Judah shining.
O David's Son of Jacob's race,
My Bridegroom and my King of grace,
For you my heart is pining.
Great and glorious,
O victorious
Prince of graces,
Filling all the heav'nly places.
2 O highest joy by mortals won,
True Son of God and Mary's Son,
The highborn King of ages!
In your blest body let me be,
E'en as the branch is in the tree,
Your life my life supplying.
For the savor
Of your favor
Resting never
Till I rest in you forever.
3 O mighty Father, in your Son
You loved me ere you had begun
This ancient world's foundation.
Your Son has made a friend of me,
And when in spirit him I see,
I joy in tribulation.
What bliss
Is this!
He is living,
To me giving
Life forever;
Nothing me from him can sever.
4 Oh, joy to know that you, my Friend,
Are Lord, beginning without end,
The first and last, eternal!
And you at length -- O glorious grace --
Will take me to that holy place,
The home of joys supernal.
Come and meet me,
Quickly greet me!
With deep yearning,
Lord, I look for your returning.
5 Lift up the voice and strike the string,
Let all glad sounds of music ring
In God's high praises blended.
Christ will be with me all the way,
Today, tomorrow, ev'ry day
Till trav'ling days are ended.
Sing out,
Ring out
Triumph glorious,
O victorious
Chosen nation;
Praise the God of your salvation.