1 In thee we now together come,
In singleness of heart;
We meet O Jesus in thy name,
And in thy name we part;
We part in body, not in mind:
Our minds continue one;
And each to each in Jesus join'd,
We hand to hand go on.
2 Subsists as in us all one soul;
No pow'r can make us twain:
Tho' mountains rise and oceans roll,
To sever us in vain.
Present we still in spirit are,
And intimately nigh;
While on the wings of faith and pray'r
We each to other fly.
3 In Jesus Christ together we
In heav'nly places sit:
Cloath'd with the sun, we smile to see
The moon beneath our feet.
Our life is hid with Christ in God:
Our life shall soon appear;
And shed his glories all abroad
In all his members here.
4 This heav'nly treasure here we have
In a vile house of clay,
But he shall to the utmost save,
And keep it to that day:
Our souls are in his mighty hand,
And he will keep them still;
And you and I shall surely stand
With him on Zion's hill.
5 Him eye to eye we there shall see,
Our face like his will shine:
O what a glorious company
When saints and angels join!
O what a joyful meeting there!
In robes of white array'd;
Palms in our hands we all shall bear,
And crowns upon our head!
6 Then let us lawfully contend,
And fight our passage through;
Bear in our faithful minds the end,
And keep the prize in view:
Then let us hasten to the day
When all shall be brought home!
Come, O Redeemer come away!
O Jesus, quickly come!
Text Information | |
First Line: | In thee we now together came |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1801 |
Notes: | Public Domain. |