1 Carry the joyful tidings
To every land and sea;
Banish the heart dividings,
Brothers should brothers be;
Christ died for all the nations,
"One flesh and blood," saith he;
There are no tribes or stations;
One in the Lord are we.
2 God who hath lent his talents,
Bids us his service choose;
God who hath lent his riches,
Bids us in kindness use;
God who hath freedom given,
Calls us to make it known;
He is preparing heaven
Not for ourselves alone.
3 Souls on the Orient mountains,
Souls in the Northern snows,
Souls by the Southern fountains
Souls where the sunset glows;
Souls out of Christ the Saviour;
O for a Church of love,
Bearing the priceless favor,
Pointing the lost above!