1 How bless'd are they who always keep
The pure and perfect way!
Who never from the sacred paths
Of God's commandments stray!
2 Thrice bless'd! who to his righteous laws
Have still obedient been!
And have. with fervent, humble zeal
His favour sought to win!
3 Such men their utmost caution use,
To shun each wicked deed;
But in the path which he directs
With constant care proceed.
4 Thou strictly hast enjoin'd us, Lord,
To learn thy sacred will;
And all our diligence employ
Thy statutes to fulfil.
5 O then that thy most holy will
Might o'er my ways preside!
And I the course of all my life
By thy direction guide!
6 Then with assurance would I walk,
From all confusion free;
Convinc'd, with joy, that all my ways
With thy commands agree.
7 The wonders, which thy law contains,
No words can represent;
Therefore. to learn and practise them
My zealous heart is bent.
8 The very entrance to thy word
Celestial light displays,
And knowledge of true happiness
To simplest minds conveys.
9 With eager hopes I waiting stood,
And fainted with desire,
That of thy wise commands I might
The sacred skill acquire.
10 With favour, Lord, look down on me,
Who thy relief implore;
As thou art wont to visit those
That thy blest name adore.
11 Directed by thy heav'nly word,
Let all my footsteps be;
Nor wickedness, of any kind
Dominion have o'er me.
12 Forever and forever, Lord,
Unchang'd thou dost remain;
Thy word, establish'd in the heav'ns,
Does all their orbs sustain.
13 Thro' circling ages, Lord, thy truth
Immoveable shall stand;
As does the earth, which thou uphold'st
By thy almighty hand.
14 All things the course by thee ordain'd,
E'en to this day, fulfil;
They are thy faithful subjects all,
And servants of thy will.
15 Unless thy sacred law had been
My comfort and delight,
I must have fainted and expir'd
In dark affliction's night.
16 Thy precepts, therefore, from my thoughts
Shall never, Lord, depart;
For thou by them hast to new life
Restor'd my dying heart.
17 I've seen an end of what we call
Perfection here below;
But thy commandments, like thyself,
No change or period know.
Text Information | |
First Line: | How bless'd are they who always keep |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1789 |
Scripture: | |
Topic: | Instructive Psalms |
Source: | Tate and Brady's New Version |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |