1 Father of all! thy care we bless,
Which crowns our families with peace:
From thee they spring, and by thy hand
They have been, and are still, sustain'd.
2 To God, most worthy to be prais'd,
Be our domestick altars raise';
Who, Lord of heav'n, scorns not to dwell
With saints in their obscurest cell.
3 To thee may each united house
With joy present its grateful vows;
Our servants, there, and rising race,
Be taught thy precepts and thy grace.
4 O may each future age proclaim
The honours of thy glorious name!
While, pleas'd and thankful, we remove
To join the family above.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Father of all! thy care we bless |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1789 |
Topic: | Baptism: Family Devotion |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |