1 Hark the glad sound, the Saviour comes!
The Saviour, promis'd long;
Let ev'ry heart a throne prepare,
And ev'ry voice a song!
2 On him the Spirit, largely shed,
Exerts its sacred fire;
Wisdom and might, and zeal and love,
His holy breast inspire.
3 He comes, the pris'ners to relieve,
In Satan's bondage held;
The gates of brass before him burst,
The iron fetters yield.
4 He comes, from thickest clouds of vice
To clear the darken'd mind;
And from on high, a saving light
To pour upon the blind.
5 He comes the broken hearts to bind,
The bleeding soul to cure;
And, with the treasures of his grace,
T' enrich the humble poor.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Hark the glad sound, the Saviour comes! |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1789 |
Topic: | Mission of Christ and the Spirit: Mission of Christ |
Notes: | Public Domain. |