1 To Christ look up, all ye His people,
Be cheerful, firm and ever true;
Unfold His love to those about you,
And evermore Christ’s glory view.
‘Tis wonderful to think of Jesus,
Who left His home in heav’n above.
To save our souls, so weak and sinful;
What wonderful, unbounded love!
Then with heart and voice sing praises
Unto Christ, the Holy One,
For the love that thro’ the ages
Welcomes all, rejecting none;
He’s a Friend that’s ever near us,
Kingly in His pow’r and love;
Praise the mighty works of Jesus,
Lift hosannas high above.
2 His wondrous word has taught us of Him,
How patiently the cross He bore;
Such love and mercy for our refuge
Calls forth our praise forevermore,
‘Tis sweet to think, when toil is over.
All Heav’n will welcome you and me;
That we shall see our blessed Savior,
And dwell with Him eternally. [Refrain]