1 Begin the high celestial strain,
My ravish'd soul, and sing
A solemn hymn of grateful praise,
To heav'ns almighty King.
Ye circling mountains as you roll
Your silver waves along,
Whisper to all your verdant shores
To subject of my song.
2 Retain it long, you ecchoing rocks,
The sacred sound retain,
And from your hollow winding caves
Return it oft again.
Bear it, ye winds on all your wings
To distant climes away,
And round the wide extended world
My lofty theme convey.
3 Take the glad burthen of his name,
Ye clouds, as you arise,
Whether to deck the golden morn,
Or shade the ev'ning skies.
Let harmless thunders roll along
The smooth etherial plain,
And answer from the crystal vault
To ev'ry flying strain.
4 Long let it warble round the spheres,
And eccho through the sky,
Till angels with immortal skill
Improve the harmony.
The blest creator sing,
And warble consecrated lays
To heav'ns almihgty King.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Begin the high celestial strain |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1783 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. For TRENTON |