1 See! how the nations rage together,
Seeking of each others blood;
See how the scriptures are fulfilling!
Sinners awake and turn to God.
2 We see the fig-tree budding;
You that in open ruin lie,
Behold the leaves almost appearing,
Awak! behold your end is nigh.
3 We read of wars, and great commotions,
To come before that dreadful day;
Sinners quit your sinful courses,
And trifle not your time away.
4 Consider now the desolation,
And the shortness of your time;
Since there's none but a dark ocean,
For all that don't repent in time,
5 Ye ministers that wait on preaching,
Teachers and exhorters too,
Don't you see your harvest wasting,
Arise, there is no rest for you,
6 O think upon that strict commandment,
God has on his teachers laid:
The sinner's blood that dips unwarned,
Shall fall upon the teacher's head.
7 Arise dear brethren, let's be doing,
See the nations in distress;
The Lord of hosts forbid their ruin,
Before their day of grace is past.
8 To see the land lie in confusion,
Looks dreadful in our mortal eye;
But O dear sinners, that is nothing,
To when the day of doom draws nigh.
9 To see the Lord in clouds descending,
Saints and angels guard him round;
The saints from earth will rise to meet him,
But sinners speechless at his frown.
10 To see the mountains a burning,
Mountains and hills must forward fly,
The moon in blood, the stars a falling,
And comets blazing thro' the sky.
11 O sinners! that's not all that's dreadful,
Before your Judge you must appear;
To answer for your past transactions,
How you ran your courses here.
12 The book of conscience will be open'd
And your character read therein;
The sentence is, depart ye cursed,
And every saint will cry, Amen.
13 O Lord, forbid that this our nation,
That this should be their dreadful case;
O sinners turn and find salvation,
While now he offers you free grace.
14 'Tis now you have a gospel morning,
And yet the lamp holds out to burn;
'Tis now you have sufficient warning,
O sinners! sinners! will you turn?
Text Information | |
First Line: | See! how the nations rage together |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1801 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |