1 Hail the gospel jubilee,
Jesus comes to set us free,
Who for us shed his precious blood,
To raise our fallen souls to God.
And since the work of suffering's done,
We'll glory give to God alone.
Free salvation be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost,
Ever grateful for the prize,
Let our praises reach the skies.
Firm united let us be,
In the bonds of charity:
As a band of brothers join'd,
Loving God and all mankind.
2 Rise ye heralds of the Lord,
Take the breast-plate, shield and sword,
Against the hosts of hell proclaim
A war in Christ's all conquering name,
Nor fear to gain the victory
When for this glorious liberty,
You on Jesus Christ depend—
He'll the suffering cause defend:
Place, O place in him your trust,
He's almighty wise and just.
Firm united brethren stand,
Firm an undivided band—
Brethren dear in Jesus join'd
Fill'd with all his constant mind.
3 Sound— the gospel trumpet sound;
Through the earth's remotest bound;
Let Jesus's name, with loud applause,
Ring thro' the world his righteous laws—
He gives, and rules in mercy mild.
Believe, and be ye reconciled
To a God of truth and love,
Sending blessings from above—
Now is the accepted time,
Listen every joyful clime.
Hail— the Gospel jubilee,
Jesus comes to set us free.
He is come no more to bleed—
Free we then shall be indeed.
4 Now the sovereign of the sky
Comes, the troops of hell must fly.
He is the rock of ages sure,
And all who to the end endure,
A glorious crown of righteousness
Shall wear in realms of endless bliss.
There with blood-wash'd throngs above,
Wondering at redeeeming love,
Evermore will shout and sing,
Heaven's palace loud shall ring.
Firm united let us go,
On in Jesus's steps below,
As a band of brothers join,
And eternal glory find.