1 O Jesus, my Saviour, to thee I submit,
With love and thanksgiving fall down at thy feet!
In sacrifice offer, my soul, flesh and blood;
Thou art my Redeemer, my Lord and my God.
2 I love thee, I love thee, I love thee my Love!
I love thee my Saviour, I love thee my Dove!
I love thee, I love thee, and that thou dost know,
But how much I love thee, I never shall show.
3 All human expressions are empty and vain,
They cannot unriddle the heavenly flame!
I'm sure if the tongue of an angel I had,
I could not the myst'ry completely describe.
4 I’m happy, I’m happy, O wond'rous account!
My days are immortal, I stand on the mount!
I gaze on my treasure, and long to be there,
With Angels my kindred, and Jesus my dear.
5 O Jesus, my Saviour, in thee I am blest:
My life and my treasure, my joy and my rest.
Thy grace be my theme, and thy name be my song,
Thy love doth inspire my heart and my tongue!
6 Thy fullness reveal, thy promise fulfil,
O take and direct me to the heavenly hill;
There wrapt in thy love, to be lost in thy charms,
With Angels transported, and freed from all harms.
7 O who is like Jesus? he’s Salem’s bright king!
He smiles and he loves me, he learns me to sing,
I’ll praise him, I’ll praise him, with notes loud and shrill,
While rivers of pleasure, my spirit doth fill.
Text Information | |
First Line: | O Jesus, my Saviour, to thee I submit |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1801 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |