Text: | The Victory's won |
1 The Victory's won,
And Satan is down;
We now overcome,
His Kingdom disown:
The Seed of the woman
Hath bruised his Head,
Hath made us that new Man,
Which Love had decreed.
2 In Adam we lost
Our Eden by Sin;
But we now, thro' Christ,
Again are brought in:
The Vail it is torn,
And Paradise gain'd:
The Father hath sworn;
His Promise shall stand.
3 Our Nature's releas'd
From Sin, Death, and Hell;
Jehovah is pleas'd
With Man for to dwell:
A fit Habitation,
In Spirit, for God;
A blest, new Creation,
Pronounc'd very good.
4 We mourn not the Hour
That Adam did fall,
When his Will and Pow'r
Was forfeited all;
Nor are we now grieved,
His Glory and Crown
Could not be retrieved
By Works of his own.
5 It was on this Ground,
The Myst'ry of Grace
Did much more abound,
When Jesus took Place
Of Man, the Offender,
To die as for Sin;
And Righteousness render
Compleat, and brought in.
6 By this was made known
God's Nature as Love:
This we, in his Son,
For ever shall prove.
By Means of Transgression,
This Grace was reveal'd:
This is our Confession,
A Truth God has seal'd.
7 When Adam was pure,
Yet mutable he:
In Jesus more sure,
Immutable we;
More highly exalted
In Christ the God-man,
Ne'er to be assaulted
By Satan again.
Text Information | |
First Line: | The Victory's won |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1776 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |