Text: | Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice |
Author: | M. Luther |
1 DEAR Christians, one and all rejoice,
With exultation springing,
And with united heart and voice
And holy rapture singing,
Tell how our God beheld our need,
And sing His sweet and wondrous deed;
Right dearly it hath cost Him.
2 Fast bound in Satan's chains I lay,
Death brooded darkly o'er me,
My sin oppressed me night and day,
Wherein my mother bore me;
Deeper and deeper still I fell,
Life had became a living hell,
So firmly sin possessed me.
3 My good works could avail me naught,
For they with sin were stained;
Free-will against God's judgment fought,
And dead to good remained;
Grief drove me to despair, and I
Had nothing left me but to die,
To hell I fast was sinking.
4 Then God beheld my wretched state
With deep commiseration;
He thought upon His mercy great,
And willed my soul's salvation;
He turned to me a Father's heart--
Not small the cost!--to heal my smart,
He gave His best and dearest.
5 He spake to His beloved Son:
'Tis time to have compassion;
Then go, my heart's most precious Crown,
And bring to man salvation;
From sin and sorrow set him free,
Slay bitter death for him, that he
May live with Thee forever.
6 The Son His Father did obey,
And, born of virgin-mother,
He came awhile on earth to stay,
That He might be my brother.
His mighty power He hidden bore,
A servant's form like mine He wore,
To lead the Devil captive.
7 He spake to me: "Hold fast by me,
I am thy Rock and Castle;
I wholly give myself for thee,
For thee I strive and wrestle;
For I am thine, and thou art mine,
Henceforth my place is also thine;
The Foe shall never part us.
8 The Foe shall shed my precious blood,
Me of my life bereaving;
All this I suffer for thy good;
Be steadfast and believing.
Life shall from death the victory win,
Mine innocence shall bear thy sin,
So art thou blest forever.
9 Now to my Father I depart
From earth to heaven ascending,
Thence heavenly wisdom to impart,
The Holy Spirit sending;
He shall in trouble comfort thee,
Teach thee to know and follow Me,
And into truth shall guide thee.
10 What I have done and taught, do thou
To do and teach endeavor;
So shall my kingdom flourish now,
And God be praised forever;
Take heed lest men with base alloy
The heavenly treasure should destroy;
This counsel I bequeath thee."
Text Information | |
First Line: | Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice |
Author: | M. Luther |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1911 |
Topic: | General Hymns; Redemption and Justification |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. Mel. Nun freut euch, lieben Christen |