1 A Place where wickedness abound,
Where scarce a righteous soul is found:
There punishment for sins is due,
And must be executed too.
2 Jerusalem, that noted place,
Found it to be her awful case;
Where judgments with their threat'nings meet
Destruction soon is made complete.
3 It was the blessed Saviour's charge,
Where vices sway their pow'r at large;
Who then is wise these things to see,
Then let him to the mountains flee.
4 The axe which to the root is laid,
As John, the faithful Prophet said:
Will cut that wicked nation down
without the least of mercy shown.
5 The Jews, be aggravating crimes,
Brought on them selves such fatal times;
Times of distress, and wo, and grief,
But not a time to find relief.
6 False Christs arose in ev'ry part,
And with deceptions, schemes and art,
Were many simple souls decoy'd,
And in their sins at last destroy'd.
7 Just like a carrion on the ground,
To which the Eagles flock around;
The doctrine of such teachers are,
To silly souls a trap and snare.
8 Their doctrine would have that effect,
As to deceive the Lord's elect!
Was not their hope in Jesus stay'd,
And thus upheld by heav'nly aid.
9 What evil sin on earth can do,
From this sad passage we may know;
Lord! make us wise to meditate,
And flee before it be too late.