CCLXXV. O For a true and living faith

1 O For a true and living faith,
My God on me bestow;
That conquers Satan, sin and death,
And ev'ry other foe.

2 Such faith it is the gift of God,
Which none but Christ can give:
It makes the heart the Lord's abode,
Therein to move and live.

3 God's grace it is by faith embrac'd,
The Saviour is receiv'd;
All confidence in him is plac'd,
His promises are b'liev'd.

4 Such faith it worketh confidence,
And makes the soul admire
To taste such blessings fro above,
Such as she would desire.

5 This faith it worketh confidence,
And casts out slavish fear:
Then shall that work of grace commence,
And we learn what we are.

Text Information
First Line: O For a true and living faith
Meter: C. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1816
Topic: The True Christian Life; The True Christian Faith
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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