CCLXV. The glories of my Maker, God

1 The glories of my Maker, God,
My joyful voice shall sing.
And call the nations to adore
Their Former and their King.

2 'Twas his right hand that shap'd our clay,
And wrought this human frame;
But from his own immediate breath
Our nobler spirits came.

3 We bring our mortal pow'rs to God,
And worship with our tongues;
We claim some kindred with the skies,
And join th'angelic songs.

4 Let grov'ling beasts of ev'ry shape,
And fowls of ev'ry wing,
And rocks, and trees, and fires, and seas,
Their various tribute bring.

5 Ye planets to his honor shine,
And wheels of nature roll;
Praise him in your unweary'd course
Around the steady pole.

6 The brightness of our Maker's name
The wide creation fills.
And his unbounded grandeur flies,
Beyond the heav'nly hills.

Text Information
First Line: The glories of my Maker, God
Author: Watts
Meter: C. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1816
Topic: On the Creation
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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