CCLI. Lord I prepare to take repose

1 Lord I prepare to take repose,
Since much fatigued I am;
May I in peace my eye-lids close,
And rest in Jesus' name.

2 The notice of thy watchful eye,
Can keep my life secure;
Enclos'd within thy vail to lie,
Defends from Satan's pow'r.

3 Through all the changes of this day,
Thy love to me was shown;
Thy countless blessings ev'ry way,
On me were shower'd down.

4 Unworthy as I am indeed,
Thy gifts were not withheld;
In ev'ry time of want and need,
Thy succour never fail'd,

5 My labours for this day I close,
And cast my cares away;
I lay me down to take repose,
Until another day.

6 But first my off'ring I will bring,
To thee my Lord and God,
And praise, and thank thee, O my King,
For all thy hand bestow'd.

Text Information
First Line: Lord I prepare to take repose
Meter: C. M.
Language: English
Publication Date: 1816
Topic: Evening hymns
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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