CCI | Church Hymn Book#CCII | CCIII |
1 We praise thee, Jesus, gracious Lord,
Great Prophet, Priest and King;
We praise thee, for thy blessed word,
Thy praise we join to sing.
2 How bless'd are we, who know our God
Who by his word are taught:
To know that Jesus shed his blood,
And hath us dearly bought.
3 We join to praise his holy name,
All praise to him be giv'n.
To die for us on earth he came:
And made us heirs of heav'n.
4 O may we ever keep in mind,
What Christ for us has done:
For mercies great of ev'ry kind,
Jesus to us has shown.
5 His word it teaches us the way,
The way to life and peace;
When humbly we to him do pray,
He grants us pard'ning grace,
6 Our life, our health and all we have,
Our blessed Lord does give;
He came our precious souls to save,
And died that we should live.
7 Since God to us so kind does prove,
We praise him all our days;
For none but he deserves our love,
And none but he our praise.
8 The Lord will help us all our days,
In grace and love to grow.
We'll strive to walk in all his ways,
As well as we do know.
9 We are in his almighty hands,
Who does for us provide;
And those who walk in his commands,
Have all their wants suppli'd.
10 The Lord to us is good and kind,
If we his word obey;
O then we shall be sure to find,
The things for which we pray.
11 For Jesus' sake God will forgive,
The evils we have done.
Teach us a holy life to live,
Like Jesus his dear Son.
12 We pray thee, Lord, keep us from sin,
And ev'ry sinful way:
O may we never walk therein,
Like sheep that go astray.
13 For sinful ways they lead to hell,
The place of endless pain:
Where wicked man and Devils dwell,
And ever shall remain.
Text Information | |
First Line: | We praise thee, Jesus, gracious Lord |
Meter: | C. M. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1816 |
Topic: | After Catechising or after School |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |