1 And art thou with us, gracious Lord,
To dissipate our fear?
Dost thou proclaim thyself our God,
Our God forever near?
2 Doth thy right hand, which form'd the earth,
And bears up all the skies,
Stretch from on high its friendly aid,
When dangers round us rise?
3 And wilt thou lead our weary souls
To that delightful scene,
Where rivers of salvation flow
Through pastures ever green?
4 On thy support our souls shall lean,
And banish every care;
The gloomy vale of death shall smile,
If God be with us there.
5 While we his gracious succor prove,
'Midst all our various ways,
The darkest shades, thro' which we pass,
Shall echo with his praise.
Text Information | |
First Line: | And art thou with us, gracious Lord |
Title: | Trust in the Promises of God |
Meter: | C. M. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1845 |
Topic: | Of God: Providence of God |
Notes: | Public Domain. |