Gracious God,
we celebrate with thanksgiving your acts of creation,
your making all humanity in your own image,
and your presence throughout the world in all of life.
We thank you for the gift of redemption in Jesus of Nazareth
in whom "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,
full of grace and truth."
We rejoice that you have never, in any time or place, been without witness.
We take joy in making known your deeds throughout the earth
and your transforming power in Jesus Christ.
Be with your church in every time and place as we seek
to be faithful in witness to your power and love.
Give us strength to challenge all attempts
to deprive persons of their humanity.
Encourage us to support all who suffer on behalf of justice and freedom.
May your church always witness to the gospel's declaration
of the uniqueness and value of all persons as your children.
We bless you for your everlasting love that impels us
to share the good news of Jesus Christ,
to witness to the ultimate hope for the world
in the fulfillment of your will on earth, and
to prepare the way for Christ
to be known deeply in each individual life.
We pray in Christ Jesus that the church may forever bring praise to you.
Work your power in us to do far more than we dare ask or think. Amen.