1 Who, who will go to bind the broken heart?
Burden’d with grief and heavy in its woe.
Longing to find in life some better part;
Who, who will go to bind the broken heart?
Lord, here am I; send me, send me!
To bind the broken heart,
To find the better part;
Lord, here am I; send me, send me!
2 Who, who will go to wipe away the tear
From eyes long used to sorrow’s briny flow?
To comfort those who stand beside hope’s bier;
Who, who will go to wipe away the tear?
Lord, here am I; send me, send me!
To wipe away the tear,
To stand beside hope's bier,
Lord, here am I; send me, send me!
3 Who, who will go to seek the lambs astray?
To lift the fallen where he lies so low,
Into the sunlight of the heavenly way;
Who, who will go to seek the lambs astray?
Lord, here am I; send me, send me!
To seek the lambs astray?
To point the heavenly way,
Lord, here am I; send me, send me!