1 In the beauty of my Lord,
Let me rise, day by day,
In the sweetness of His word,
Let me find Christ the way,
In the heav’nly home afar,
Where no sin the soul can mar,
In the land beyond earth’s shadows,
We’ll dwell, some glad day.
2 In the spirit of my Lord,
Let me live, ev’ry day,
In the peace His tho’ts afford,
Let me walk, all the way,
Soon will be the journey done,
Soon the heavn’ly vict’ry won,
In the land beyond earth’s shadows,
We’ll dwell, some glad day.
3 In the likeness of my Lord,
Let me rise, some glad day,
As is promised in His word,
To the skies, some glad day,
Where no tempests wreck the soul,
Where no billows ever roll,
In the land beyond earth’s shadows,
We’ll dwell, some glad day.