1 Be simple, oh, young Christian,
Make Jesus and His cross
Your love, your aim, your glory,
All other things but dross.
You know the right, then do it;
Let nothing tempt astray;
Be honest, oh, young Christian,
care not what others say.
2 Be loving, oh, young Christian,
be loving, brave and true,
Heart tender, kind, forgiving,
As Christ forgiveth you.
Seek only His approval,
Strive not for lower fame;
Be humble, oh, young Christian,
Let others praise or blame.
3 Flee Satan’s smooth, soft whispers,
Flee from his subtle pow’r;
Be holy, oh, young Christian,
Soil not life’s pure white flow’r.
Be perfect, oh, young Christian;
By others do not mete
Your life—the perfect standard
Is Christ, the All Complete.