1 Lonely o’er life’s desert way,
Pilgrims roam the vale of tears;
Earthly hope and earthly gain
Yield a heritage of fears.
While the path more brightly shines,
For the heav’nly pilgrim’s feet,
And eternal mansions fair
Wait his longing eyes to greet.
2 May I in these pleasures share,
Lay my heavy burdens down;
Cast on Jesus ev’ry care,
Wait the faithful servant’s crown?
Unto you the promise is:
“Cheer, oh, cheer thee,” hear Him say,
“E’er My promises shall fail,
Heaven and earth shall pass away.”
3 Humbly, Lamb of God, I come,
Bowing prostrate at Thy feet;
Take, oh, take me as I am,
Make me for Thy service meet.
Heav’nly arches catch the strain,
Angels sing it o’er and o’er;
Earth, repeat the glad refrain,
“Jesus reigns forevermore.”