1. Away dark Thoughts, awake, my Joy;
Awake, my Glory sing:
Sing Songs to celebrate the Birth,
Of Jacob's God and King.
2 O happy Night, that brought forth Light,
Which makes the Blind to see!
The Day Spring from on high came down,
To chear the visit Thee.
3 The wakeful Shepherds, near their Flocks,
Were watchful for the Morn;
But better News from Heav'n was brought,
"Your Saviour Christ is born."
4 " In Bethle'm Town the the Infant lies,
"Within a Place obscure."
O little Bethle'm poor in Walls,
But rich in Furniture!
5 Since Heav'n is now come down to Earth,
Hither the Angels fly!
Hark, now the Heav'nly Choir doth sing,
Glory to God on high!
6 The News is spread, the church is glad,
Simeon o'ercome with Joy,
Sings with the Infant in his Arms,
Now let thy Servant die.
7 Wise Men from far beheld the Star,
Which was their faithful Guide,
Until it pointed for the Babe,
And him they glorify'd;
8 While Heav'n and Earth rejoice and sing,
Shall we our Christ deny?
He's born for us, and we for him;
Glory to God on high!
Text Information | |
First Line: | Away dark Thoughts, awake, my Joy |
Title: | A Song of Praise for the Birth of Christ |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1791 |
Topic: | Nativity of Christ |
Notes: | Public Domain. |