Text: | Character of Christ |
1 Go worship at IMMANUEL's Feet,
See in his Face what Wonders meet!
Earth is too narrow to express
His Worth, his Glory, or his Grace.
[2 The whole Creation can afford
But some faint Shadows of my LORD;
Nature, to make his Beauties known,
Must mingle colours not her own.]
[3 Is he compar'd to wine or Bread?
Dear LORD! our Souls would thus be fed:
That Flesh, that dying Blood of thine,
Is Bread of Life, is heav'nly Wine.
[4 Is he a Tree? The World receives
Salvation from his healing Leaves:
That righteous Branch, that fruitful Bough,
Is David's Root and Offspring too.]
[5 Is he a Rose? Not Sharon yields,
Such Fragrancy in all her Fields:
Or if the Lilly he assume,
The Vallies bless the rich Perfume.]
[6 Is he a Vine? his heav'nly Root
Supplies the Boughs with Life and Fruit.
O let a lasting Union join
My Soul to CHRIST the living Vine!]
[7 Is he a Head? Each Member lives
And owns the Vital Pow'r he gives;
The Saints below and Saints above,
Join'd by his Spirit and his Love.]
[8 Is he a Fountain? There I bathe,
And heal the Plague of Sin and Death:
These Waters all my Soul renew,
And cleanse my spotted Garments too.]
[9 Is he a Fire? He'll purge my Dross:
But the true Gold sustains no Loss:
Like a Refiner shall he sit,
And tread the Refuse with his Feet.]
[10 Is he a Rock? How firm he proves!
The Rock of Ages never moves;
Yet the sweet Streams that from him flow
Attend us all the Desart thro'.]
[11 Is he a Way? He leads to GOD,
The Path is drawn in Lines of Blood;
There would I walk with Hope and Zeal,
'Till I arrive at Zion's Hill.]
[12 Is he a Door? I'll enter in;
Behold the Pastures large and green,
A Paradise divinely fair,
None but the Sheep have Freedom there.]
[13 Is he design'd the Corner-Stone,
For Men to build their Heav'n upon?
I'll make him my Foundation too,
Nor fear the Plots of Hell below.]
[14 Is he a Temple? I adore
Th' indwelling Majesty and Pow'r;
And still to his most Holy Place,
Whene'er I pray, I'll turn my Face.]
[15 Is he a Star? He breaks the Night,
Piercing the Shades with dawning Light;
I know his Glories from afar,
I know the bright, the Morning Star.]
[16 Is he a Sun? His Beams are Grace,
His Course is Joy and Righteousness;
Nations rejoice when he appears
To chase their Clouds, and dry their Tears.]
[17 O let me climb those higher Skies,
Where Storms and Darkness never rise!
There he displays his Pow'rs abroad,
And shines and Reigns th' Incarnate GOD.]
18 Nor Earth, nor Seas, nor Sun, nor Stars,
Nor Heav'n his full Resemblance bears;
His Beauties we can never Trace,
Till we behold him Face to Face.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Go, worship at Immanuel's Feet |
Title: | Character of Christ |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1791 |
Topic: | Life of Christ, Characters and Representations |
Notes: | Public Domain. |