1 Holy night! peaceful night! Thro' the darkness beams a light; Holy night! peaceful night! Thro' the darkness beams a light, Thro' the darkness beams a light; All is dark, save the light, Yonder, where they sweet vigil keep O'er the Babe, who, in silent sleep Rests in heav'nly peace, Rests in heav'nly peace. 2 Silent night! holiest night! Darkness flies and all is light! Silent night! holiest night! Darkness flies and all is light! Darkness flies and all is light! Shepherds hear the angels sing— "Hallelujah! hail the King! Jesus the Saviour is here! Jesus the Saviour is here!" 3 Silent night! holiest night! Wondrous Star! O lend thy light! Silent night! holiest night! Wondrous Star! O lend thy light! Wondrous Star! O lend thy light! With the angels let us sing Hallelujah to our King! Jesus our Saviour is here! Jesus our Saviour is here!