Pure essence! Spotless Fount of Light,
That fadeth never into dark!
O Thou, whose eyes, more clear and bright
Than noonday sun, are quick to mark
Our sins; lo, bare before Thy face
Lies all the desert of my heart,
My once fair soul in ev'ry part
Now stain'd with evil foul and base.
Since but the pure in heart are blest
With promised vision of their God,
Sore fear and anguish fill my breast,
Rememb'ring all the ways I trod;
Mourning I see my lost estate,
And yet in faith I dare to cry,
Oh let my evil nature die,
Another heart in me create!
Enough, Lord, that my foe too well
Hath lured me once away from Thee;
Henceforth I know his craft how fell,
And all his deep-laid snares I flee.
Lord, through the Spirit whom Thy Son
Hath bidden us in prayer to ask,
Arm us with might that every task,
Whate'er we do, in Thee be done.
Unworthy am I of Thy grace,
So deep are my transgressions, Lord,
And yet once more I seek Thy face;
My God, have mercy, nor reward
My sins and follies, dark and vain;
Reject, reject me not in wrath,
But let Thy sunshine now beam forth,
And quicken me with hope again.
The Holy Spirit Thou hast given,
The wondrous pledge of love divine,
Who fills our hearts with joys of heaven,
And bids us earthly toys resign;
Oh let His seal be on my heart,
Oh take Him nevermore away,
Until this fleshly house decay,
And Thou shalt bid me hence depart.
But ah! my coward spirit droops,
Sick with the fear that enters in
Whene'er a soul to bondage stoops,
And wears the shameful yoke of sin;
Oh quicken with the strength that flows
From out the Eternal Fount of Life,
My soul half-fainting in the strife,
And make an end of all my woes.
I cling unto Thy grace alone,
Thy steadfast oath my only rest;
To Thee, Heart-searcher, all is known
That lieth hidden in my breast;
Thy Joy, O Spirit, on me pour,
Thy servent will my sloth inspire,
So shall I have my heart's desire,
And serve and praise Thee evermore.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Pure essence! Spotless Fount of Light |
Title: | Pure essence! Spotless Fount of Light |
German Title: | O reines Wesen, lautre Quelle |
Author: | Freylinghausen (1713) |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1863 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |