1 “I do not want one tho’t,” dear Lord,
“That is not fit for Heav’n,”
May every wish and hope I have,
By Thee, to me be giv’n;
I want no vision but the pure
On High would all admire;
What angel minds would blush to know,
That I would not desire.
2 No words I’d speak, would cause Thee pain,
Or e’en the least regret;
No deeds attempt Thou wouldst not do;
Lord, keep me at Thy feet.
A tender eye, a shrinking heart,
All owned and filled by Thee,
Would meet the highest wish I have;
O make me, keep me free.
3 No step I’d take, but only there
Where God’s dear Spirit leads;
No route to press my feet along,
But where are holy deeds.
Thy hand, Thy hand, dear Saviour, now,
Must evermore clasp mine;
So I move on in all Thy ways,
Forever, wholly, Thine.
4 But how can such a worm as I,
So purely walk, and free?
Or, how can such a heart as mine,
Turn wholly, Lord, to Thee?
Thou, Thou alone canst make the change
And fill the Throne within;
Control the springs of thought and deed,
And cleanse, and keep me clean.