1 Marching on to Zion
In the gospel way,
Hosts have gone before, “’tis better on,” they say;
Guided by the Saviour, He’s our truest Friend,
His dear loving hand will lead us to our journey’s end.
Faithful, true depending—on His breast we’ll lay;
Trials we’re expecting on this gospel way;
Help us then, our Father, while Thy praise we wing,
Grant us vict’ry o’er the foe—we’re going to see the King.
2 Marching on to Zion
In the gospel way,
With the heav’nly manna feeding ev’ry day;
And the living waters flow so full and free,
As we march along and sing, and drink abundantly.
Heav’nly things we care for, heav’nly things we’ll trace,
Worldly things will never gain a heav’nly place;
Stay with us forever, souls we’ll try to bring,
March aright both day and night—we’re going to see the King.
3 Marching on to Zion;
Come and join the band,
Life will be so cheery; take Him by the hand.
Share with Him the conflict ‘gainst the hosts of sin,
Do not work for self alone, but seek some souls to win.
Ready for the battle, wretched ones to save,
Ready dying souls to rescue from the grave;
March along to Zion, ev’rybody sing,
Make it known the right alone—we’re going to see the King.