1 Sing unto Jesus on this happy Sabbath Day;
Sing of His love for us, that washed our sins away,
Sing when the glorious light awakes in eastern gray,
Sing when the western sun in silence fades away.
Sing, all ye people sing;
Sing to the Lord our King;
Sing of the Saviour and His love,
O sing to God above.
Sing, all ye people sing;
Sing to the Lord our King;
Sing of the Saviour and His love,
O sing to God above.
2 Sing unto Jesus, for he died to set us free;
Sing unto Him, who calls us, humble though we be,
“Suffer the little children, let them come to me;”
Give to the lowliest this heav’nly liberty. [Refrain]
3 Sing to the Father, ‘tis to Him our wants are known,
Sing to the Son, for all our sins He can atone;
Sing to the Holy Ghost to change our hearts of stone,
Sing that the erring soul to Jesus may be won. [Refrain]