1 O let us live nearer to Jesus our Lord,
And follow more closely the light of His word;
Believing the promise while here we abide,
For all that’s before us His grace will provide.
We know that His hand was our guide in the past,
We know He will lead us safe on to the last;
Then trust in the promise He gives in His word,
And daily live nearer to Jesus our Lord.
2 Live nearer to Jesus by watching and pray’r,
And helping each other our burdens to bear;
In kindness unwearied, in temper serene,
Let Christian example be constantly seen.
Our journey through life be as clear as the sun;
Through sorrow and trial our crown must be won;
Then trust in the promise He gives in His word,
And daily live nearer to Jesus our Lord.
3 To faith adding patience, forgiveness and love,
O live to inherit the kingdom above;
And then when our journey is ended below,
To Jesus, our Saviour, rejoicing we’ll go.
O, yes, on the shore we shall rest evermore,
And hail Him in glory when sorrow is o’er;
Then trust in the promise He gives in His word,
And daily live nearer to Jesus our Lord.