1 Great is Jehovah, King of kings;
O magnify His name;
Praise Him, ye nations of the earth,
His great and mighty works proclaim;
When darkness hovered o’er the deep,
And all was veiled in night,
At His command in beauty smiles
A morn of purest light.
2 Great is Jehovah, King of kings;
The stars together sang;
Sweetly the new created earth
In happy, joyful concert rang;
But O, our souls! in wonder lost,
Behold, by faith sublime,
In man’s redemption from the fall,
God’s greatest wisdom shine.
3 Glory to Him whose boundless love
The debt of sin has paid;
Glory to Him whose precious blood
Our living sacrifice was made;
With Him we die, through Him we rise;
To Him all praise be given,
Who lives, exalted and adored
By all the host of heav’n.