1 They are coming! they are coming!
Who have been in darkness long;
They are coming to the Saviour,
With a glad, triumphant song.
From the lands beyond the ocean,
From the islands of the sea,
From the valleys and the mountains,
They are coming, Lord, to thee.
2 Long they sat beneath the shadow,
And the gloom of moral night,
Waiting only for the dawning
Of the promised heavenly light.
But they’ve heard the glorious gospel,
Of salvation full and free,
Now they read the “Blessed Bible,”
They are coming, Lord, to thee.
3 Hasten, Lord, the coming morning,
Of the bright millennial day—
And may we who love the Saviour,
Labor to extend his sway,
Until every ransomed being,
On the land and on the sea,
Shall unite in one grand chorus,
“We are coming, Lord, to thee.”