Element | Hymn | First Line |
Benediction | #213 | God be with you till we meet again |
Closing Songs | #174 | Now the day is over |
Closing Songs | #195 | Blest be the tie that binds |
Closing Songs | #213 | God be with you till we meet again |
Communion Songs | #23 | What can wash away my sin? |
Communion Songs | #171 | Amazing grace, how sweet the sound |
Communion Songs | #192 | Just as I am, without one plea |
Communion Songs | #197 | There is a fountain filled with blood |
Confession Songs | #171 | Amazing grace, how sweet the sound |
Confession Songs | #192 | Just as I am, without one plea |
Confession Songs | #204 | Rock of Ages, cleft for me |
Gospel Acclamation Songs | #185 | How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord |
Opening Hymns | #169 | Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty |
Opening Hymns | #176 | Brethren, we have met to worship |
Opening Hymns | #178 | All hail the pow'r of Jesus' Name |
Opening Hymns | #179 | Come, Thou fount of ev'ry blessing |
Prayer Songs | #166 | Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer |
Prayer Songs | #190 | What a Friend we have in Jesus |
Prayer Songs | #221 | It's me, it's me, standin' in need of pray'r |
Songs of Response | #162 | Onward, Christian soldiers |