Element | Hymn | First Line |
Communion Songs | #64b | When I survey the wondrous Cross |
Communion Songs | #64a | When I survey the wondrous Cross |
Communion Songs | #143 | The Heavenly Word proceeding forth |
Doxology | #154 | Servants of God, your Master proclaim |
Opening Hymns | #16 | On Jordan's bank, the Baptist's cry |
Opening Hymns | #104 | The strife is o'er, the battle done |
Opening Hymns | #292 | This day God gives me |
Prayer Songs | #22 | Come, Thou long-expected Jesus |
Prayer Songs | #260 | God of our fathers, Whose almighty hand |
Prayer Songs | #294 | Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart |
Scripture Songs | #8 | Hail to the Lord's Anointed! |
Scripture Songs | #10 | Wake, O wake, for night is flying! |
Scripture Songs | #21 | The race that long in darkness pined |
Scripture Songs | #255 | The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want |
Songs of Illumination | #127 | Come down, O Love Divine |
Songs of Response | #208 | The Church's one foundation |
Songs of Response | #252 | My Shepherd will supply my need |