Element | Hymn | First Line |
Closing Songs | #23 | Blest be the tie that binds |
Closing Songs | #159 | Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing |
Communion Songs | #2 | According to thy gracious word |
Communion Songs | #139 | Jesus, the very thought of Thee |
Communion Songs | #168 | "Man of Sorrows!" what a name |
Communion Songs | #290 | There is a fountain filled with blood |
Communion Songs | #325 | When I survey the wondrous cross |
Confession Songs | #38 | Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish |
Confession Songs | #224 | O the bitter shame and sorrow |
Confession Songs | #251 | Rock of Ages, cleft for me |
Gospel Acclamation Songs | #16 | As with gladness men of old |
Gospel Acclamation Songs | #93 | How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord |
Offertory | #234 | Praise God, from whom all blessings flow |
Offertory | #259 | Savior, thy dying love |
Opening Hymns | #10 | All hail the power of Jesus' name |
Opening Hymns | #31 | Christ, the Lord, is risen today |
Opening Hymns | #37 | Come, thou fount of every blessing |
Opening Hymns | #55 | From all that dwell below the skies |
Opening Hymns | #199 | O for a thousand tongues to sing |
Opening Hymns | #235 | Praise, my soul, the King of heaven |