Element | Hymn | First Line |
Benediction | #d41 | God be with you till we meet again |
Closing Songs | #d2 | A mighty fortress is our God |
Closing Songs | #d126 | Savior again to Thy dear name we raise |
Closing Songs | #d15 | Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love |
Closing Songs | #d3 | Abide with me, fast falls the eventide |
Closing Songs | #d41 | God be with you till we meet again |
Communion Songs | #d145 | There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins] |
Confession Songs | #d24 | Come, ye [you] disconsolate, where'er ye [you] languish |
Confession Songs | #d25 | Come ye [you] sinners, poor and wretched [needy], Weak and wounded |
Confession Songs | #d124 | Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee |
Gospel Acclamation Songs | #d55 | How firm a foundation, ye [you] saints of the Lord |
Opening Hymns | #d35 | From all that [who] dwell [dwells] below the [in earth and] skies |
Opening Hymns | #d23 | Come thou fount of every blessing |
Opening Hymns | #d25 | Come ye [you] sinners, poor and wretched [needy], Weak and wounded |
Opening Hymns | #d6 | All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall |
Opening Hymns | #d53 | Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Early |
Prayer Songs | #d121 | Prayer is the soul's [heart's] [saint's] sincere desire |
Prayer Songs | #d98 | More love to thee, O Christ [God] |
Prayer Songs | #d135 | Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer |
Prayer Songs | #d154 | What a friend we have in Jesus |