Element | Hymn | First Line |
Closing Songs | #23 | Abide with me; fast falls the eventide |
Closing Songs | #31 | Now the day is over |
Closing Songs | #112 | A mighty fortress is our God |
Closing Songs | #195 | Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go |
Closing Songs | #376 | All praise to Thee, my God, this night |
Closing Songs | #378 | Blest be the tie that binds |
Closing Songs | #379 | Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord |
Closing Songs | #381 | Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raise |
Closing Songs | #382 | May the grace of Christ our Saviour |
Communion Liturgy | #396 | Lord, have mercy, have mercy upon un |
Communion Songs | #76 | When I survey the wondrous cross |
Communion Songs | #127 | According to Thy gracious word |
Communion Songs | #128 | Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts |
Communion Songs | #130 | Break Thou the bread of life |
Communion Songs | #165a | Just as I am, without one plea |
Communion Songs | #165b | Just as I am, without one plea |
Communion Songs | #213 | Jesus, the very tho't of Thee |
Communion Songs | #227 | Come dearest Lord, descend and dwell |
Confession Songs | #134 | Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish |
Confession Songs | #147 | Hark, my soul, it is the Lord |