Element | Hymn | First Line |
Benediction | #d28 | God be with you till we meet again |
Closing Songs | #d28 | God be with you till we meet again |
Closing Songs | #d22 | Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, Help |
Communion Songs | #d5 | Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved |
Confession Songs | #d5 | Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saved |
Gospel Acclamation Songs | #d34 | How firm a foundation, ye [you] saints of the Lord |
Opening Hymns | #d32 | Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Early |
Opening Hymns | #d3 | All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall |
Opening Hymns | #d17 | Come thou fount of every blessing |
Opening Hymns | #d78 | O for a thousand tongues to sing, Blessed be the name of the Lord |
Prayer Songs | #d147 | What a friend we have in Jesus |
Songs of Response | #d75 | Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee |
Songs of Response | #d70 | My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness |
Songs of Response | #d2 | Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die? |
Songs of Response | #d9 | Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine |
Songs of Response | #d93 | Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross |