Element | Hymn | First Line |
Confession Songs | #CCXXIX | O that my Soul were now as fair |
Confession Songs | #CCLXIII | Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay |
Confession Songs | #CCXLVIII | Rock of Ages, shelter me |
Confession Songs | #LXXXV | God of my Life, look gently down |
Confession Songs | #CCXXIV | O My Lord, what must I do? |
Opening Hymns | #CLXVII | Lord in the Morning thou shalt hear |
Opening Hymns | #LXXX | From all that dwell below the skies |
Opening Hymns | #XIV | Awake, my Soul, and with the Sun |
Opening Hymns | #CCLXVII | Sweet is the Work, my God, my King |
Opening Hymns | #LIV | Come thou Fount of ev'ry Blessing! |
Opening Hymns | #CLXXXIII | My God, accept my early Vows |
Opening Hymns | #XLII | Christ the Lord is ris'n to day |
Opening Hymns | #LXXXVIII | God of the Morning, at whose Voice |
Opening Hymns | #CCXCIX | To Day God bids the Faithful rest |
Opening Hymns | #CCXVIII | O for a Thousand Tongues to sing |
Opening Hymns | #CCVIII | Once more my Soul, the rising Day |
Opening Hymns | #LVI | Come ye Sinners Poor and Wretched |
Prayer Songs | #CXXX | I want an Heart to pray |
Prayer Songs | #LV | Come, thou long expected Jesus! |
Scripture Songs | #XCVIII | Hail the Day that sees him rise |