Browsing Elements of Worship in Best Revival Songs

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ElementHymnFirst Line
Closing Songs#120Blest be the tie that binds
Closing Songs#130On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
Communion Songs#78Just as I am, without one plea
Communion Songs#80What can wash away my sin?
Communion Songs#107Amazing grace! how sweet the sound
Communion Songs#112Break Thou the bread of life
Communion Songs#121There is a fountain filled with blood
Confession Songs#78Just as I am, without one plea
Confession Songs#107Amazing grace! how sweet the sound
Confession Songs#122Rock of Ages, cleft for me
Creedal Songs#6I was sinking deep in sin
Gospel Acclamation Songs#137How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
Opening Hymns#98Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing
Opening Hymns#119All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name
Prayer Songs#59Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
Prayer Songs#134What a Friend we have in Jesus
Scripture Songs#47Shall we gather at the river
Songs of Illumination#51More about Jesus would I know
Songs of Illumination#112Break Thou the bread of life
Songs of Response#26My hope is built on nothing less
